Vanessa Roseway

Jamaican.This work by Vanessa Roseway is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Intern…

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Mr. Perfect

Every girl has an idea of Mr. Perfect.

I can’t really say where it came from, but it is very real.
Maybe it’s a result of all those awesome Disney movies we’ve all watched and memorized as little girls or maybe it’s innate. Perhaps all little girls are made with the need to idealize a Prince Charming; a Mr. Perfect.

We imagine him running to us across the sand, his white button down shirt blowing in the wind, a cutesy little song playing in the background and we’re in the cutest summer dress and he comes and lifts us up and spins us around and-

Record scratches. Still single.

Whatever the reason, almost every girl is guilty. Whether mental or written (mine is both), there is a perfectly detailed list. It’s sub-conscious. We all deny having a list but we all do. Even you.
People ask us, what do you look for in a guy and we start off “Gosh I don’t even know”…then we...

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Too cool for life

Being cool has evolved, it seemed.
In the 90s, it was cool to be at the top of the class.
It used to be cool to have a new Gameboy Advance. ..
At one point in human existence it used to be cool to rock an afro or be a Hippie.

Teenagers today have sourced the definition of “cool” from another dictionary.


Another fad has emerged it seems.
Instagram has brought to my attention that taking pictures or videos while driving is indeed a thing.

Am I the only person that finds this ridiculous? How is this even a thing?

Besides the fact that almost everybody knows somebody who was in a car accident, died from a car accident or in a near death automobile accident…knowledge that this practice is reckless, dangerous and extremely stupid goes without saying.

What’s the train of thought behind this?

“Ohhh, I’m behind the wheel of a vehicle on a road with...

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False Advertising

We all do it.
We do it on facebook, on instagram, twitter, on our faces. everywhere. Everyday.

Girls walk around looking extra fabulous, hair done, nails done, face done, clothes well proppa. Everything just turnt all the way up.
Then we see them at the supermarket and walk right past them because we didn’t recognize them without the easy breezy beautiful CoverGirl Brazilian hair, and the glossy acrylic nails. Without that extra layer of foundation and bronzer, longer voluminous lashes and a mile of other make-up secrets applied to give that natural look, females hide the true product. And not to mention the clothes. How do you go from dressing like Luptia to Lorde in one day?

Take her on a date and that knife and fork thing? She just isn’t about that life. Not feeling the restaurant vibe this weekend? Her last tweet was something about housewife skills and wife status...

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Why are you single?

Every single female hears this question.

We hear it from our girlfriends, our guy friends, our parents, people we don’t even talk to and sometimes we find ourselves asking this very same question.

Why. Are. You. Single?

People ask it in a plethora of ways.
Sometimes it’s disguised as a compliment; the “Omg, you’re so gorgeous/fly/smart/sexy/funny/——, how are you still single?”

Or sometimes it’s a lot less polite and downright bitchy.

“You’re still single?” (said to the tone of “Ewww, girl, is that your track I’m seeing?”)

Some of us take it upon ourselves to make excuses for this single-ness life we are currently about. We say:

  1. “I’m single because I’m trying to love myself first.”
  2. “I’m single because I’m doing me right now.”
  3. “I like being single.”
  4. “All the potentials are gay, taken or assholes.”
  5. “Take a look around. Do you see anyone worth dating?”...

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