Dear sis,

so you think that by getting close to all the girls he’s fucked,
you’ll somehow get closer to him?
that in collecting all the little pieces of himself,
the ones he scattered in other women,
he’ll somehow feel complete to you?
feel less distant?
less absent?

you’ll only feel more familiar to him.
he’ll love that.
he’ll love that you made yourself into a home of his past favourites.
into a mosaic of everything he’s ever touched.
he’ll make a home out of you.
have you changing all the colours
and all the cushions
only to leave you with peeling paint
and sunken footprints on your carpets.
just another pit stop for somebody else trying desperately to love him


Now read this

My first deities

I still remember the first day I realized my parents were just humans. They weren’t super humans or alpha adults. They were regular, but somehow being parents knighted them with a world of responsibility. They weren’t perfect beings and... Continue →